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Create Estimate
To create a new estimate, you can follow either of these two methods:
Navigate to Sales -> Estimates -> Create New Estimate.

- Before selecting a client, you must have added clients under Customers -> New Customer.
- When choosing a customer, the customer information is automatically retrieved from the created customer profile.
- Alternatively, you can click on the edit icon to directly add the desired customer information. This also applies to billing information, which is fetched when selecting a customer.
- If you want the billing details to be auto-populated when selecting the customer, you need to have previously added billing details in the customer profile.
Billing and Shipping:
- If you change the billing and shipping information after selecting a client clicking on the edit icon, these changes will be applied to the estimate. However, please note that the information in the customer profile will remain the same, and no changes won’t be reflected in the invoice.
- The number is automatically populated, for example, 001, and the next one will be 002. This sequential numbering is fetched from Setup->Settings->Finance->Estimates – Next Number, where the number auto-increments. However, you can manually change the next number in Setup->Settings->Finance->Estimates.

- Once all entries have been completed, simply click the “Save” button.
- Tags serve as concise labels or identifiers to categorize and organize information. They help streamline the estimation process by allowing users to quickly classify estimates according to specific criteria or characteristics.